2021. ápr 23.

Import Sheets to BigQuery

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Import Sheets to BigQuery

Tovább Szólj hozzá

SQL Bigquery Google Sheets

2021. ápr 19.

Transactions by browser in July 2017

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Transactions by browser in July 2017

Analytics sample in BQ

SELECTdevice.browser,SUM ( totals.transactions ) AS total_transactionsFROM `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_*`WHERE_TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN '20170701' AND '20170731'GROUP BY device.browserHAVING SUM ( totals.transactions ) > 0 ORDER BYtotal_transactions DESC

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL Analytics Bigquery TABLE SUFFIX

2021. már 30.

Texas new COVID cases until 03.29

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Texas new COVID cases until 03.29

 with prep as (SELECT *, LAG(confirmed_cases, 1)OVER (PARTITION BY state_name ORDER BY date ASC) AS prev_dayFROM `bigquery-public-data.covid19_nyt.us_states`where upper(state_name) = 'TEXAS'and date >= '2021-03-01'order by date asc) select date, confirmed_cases - prev_day as new_cases --since…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL COVID-19 Bigquery

2021. már 26.

Trying to explore a dataset in MS Access

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Trying to explore a dataset in MS Access

The stuff of nightmares

Order IDs: Unique vs Distinct: Seriously, it does not support count(distinct ID)..?!  select [Sub-Category], round(sum(profit))from ordersgroup by [Sub-Category]order by sum(profit) desc Better do something with those tables. SELECT year(order_date),round(sum(profit))from orders…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

Access SQL

2021. már 18.

More Covid-19 public dataset exploration II.

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
More Covid-19 public dataset exploration II.

Due to the success of the last post.

What dataset am I using?The public dataset provided by Google.Where did I get that? What am I gonna show? Simple survival rates by country.What is the code? The outcome? Fact checked? Just google "covid total confirmed cases USA". Shows the same data.

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL COVID-19

2021. már 03.

SQL Bigquery tidbits:Months to be ordered correctly

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
SQL Bigquery tidbits:Months to be ordered correctly

I love it, when I want to chronologically sort year & months formatted like 2016-1, 2016-2..2016-10 and the result is like: 2016-1, 2016-10, 2016-2. This needs to stop. with prep as (SELECT * ,cast(concat(cast(year as string), '-', case when length(cast(month as string)) = 1 then…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL Cases Bigquery

2021. már 02.

SQL Bigquery tidbits: Popular names 1910-2013 database

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
SQL Bigquery tidbits: Popular names 1910-2013 database

The table: Let's start with most popular name throughout all the years: SELECT A.*, B.* FROM `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013` A inner join (select name as name2, sum(number) as res from `bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013` group by name order by sum(number) desc) B on…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL Bigquery

2020. nov 11.

Google Bigquery: Public Covid-19 & GA dataset analysis

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Google Bigquery: Public Covid-19 & GA dataset analysis

The situation: let's say I want to know the number of cases in Italy by province first. The dataset: Warm-Up queries: Now, to get the same result with Analytic function, displaying the total sum of the region in every row.  Okay, but this is not so much fun when you have only a few…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

public SQL Bigquery

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