2020. nov 07.

Google Scripts: paste and expand formula only on specific sheets

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Google Scripts: paste and expand formula only on specific sheets

The situation: You have a workbook with variuos sheets which have dates as name, formatted in a '20200101' fashion. You need to replace and expand  a certain formula in all these sheets. Luckily, the parameters and the rules of each sheet are the same so you do not need extra error handling.

function insertToEverySheet() {
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets();
for (i in ws) {
if (isNumeric(ws[i].getName())) {
//if (isNumeric(ws[i].getName()) & (parseFloat(ws[i].getName())) > 20200701 )
//log a set specific value only if sheet date is numeric
Logger.log(ws[i].name + ' Sheet is numerical format')
var r = ws[i].getRange('C1:C22');
var vals = r.getValues(); //loop will not work if these are empty cells;
for(var z =0;z<vals.length;z++){ws[i].getRange(z+1,3).setValue('=33+22');} //same rowindex, columnindex
//these actio will be performed on every sheet regardless
//since they are outside of the loop.
function isNumeric(value) {
return /^\d+$/.test(value);

Well not really..


function testOnOne() {

var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
var r = ws.getRange('A2:B6');
var myrng = ws.getRange('C2:C6');



Now it adjusts the formula accordingly.

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