2020. nov 14.

Use R visualisations in PowerBI

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Use R visualisations in PowerBI

There is a lot of installing to do for this: install R (programming language); install R Studio; install rTools (othervise you will get the error: rtools is not installed) simple download and wizard install, no need for R console for this. Install ggplot2 with R studio…

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2020. nov 11.

Google Bigquery: Public Covid-19 & GA dataset analysis

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
Google Bigquery: Public Covid-19 & GA dataset analysis

The situation: let's say I want to know the number of cases in Italy by province first. The dataset: Warm-Up queries: Now, to get the same result with Analytic function, displaying the total sum of the region in every row.  Okay, but this is not so much fun when you have only a few…

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public SQL Bigquery

2020. nov 11.

VB Scripts examples: Open file and add data

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
VB Scripts examples: Open file and add data

Who needs excel macro files when you can run it with vbscript from outside?

The situation: You want to edit an excel file but you don't want to make it xlsm, because other people are also using it, might get sent around.  What you'll need: Notepad++ Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")objExcel.visible = true Set objWorkbook =…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

2020. nov 09.

List the names of the files in Google Scripts, VBA, Python

írta: dataanalyticsdemo
List the names of the files in Google Scripts, VBA, Python

How long does it take to list some files in a folder?

The situation: you have some megring/copying to do with some files in a folder, but first you need to figure out the accessing of the folders and it's filenames. Google Scripts: function useFolder() { var app = DriveApp;var folderIter = app.getFoldersByName("coding memes");var folder =…

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